Saturday, April 12, 2014

Scented Dough: Sensory Dough Series

Here is Aprils's installment of the 12 Months of Sensory Dough Series! Each month 11 fellow bloggers and I will share with you our playtime adventures with dough. Last month was Edible Play Dough.  This month we're making Scented Dough!
Scented dough is fantastic because it incorporates the sense of touch, smell, and sight into one simple activity. Play really does matter! Want to make dough for your own little ones to play with? Here's how...

2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tbsp baking powder
1 cup water
1 tbsp oil
food coloring
essential oils (peppermint, lavender, lemon...) or vanilla extract

Pour the flour, salt, baking powder, water, and oil into a large bowl. Mix the ingredients together. If needed, add a little extra flour or water until the dough reaches the desired consistency. If you are going to make dough with multiple scents like we did, separate it out into smaller bowls. Add a few drops of essential oil or vanilla extract to each bowl. We even added a few drops of food coloring to match the scent with an appropriate color. (Example: We added yellow food coloring to the dough being scented with lemon essential oil.) Blend the oils, extract, and/or food coloring into the dough. Once your dough has reached the desired consistency, scent, and color, it's time to hand it over to the kids for some sensory fun!
You can read more about the Sensory Dough Series here.
Meet the co-hosts:
Do you have a scented dough recipe or activity that you would like to share?  Join the fun and link up!

Next month: Moon Sand!

Happy playing!

Image Map


  1. I wish I could smell the dough through the screen...It looks lovely! I love how you made four different scents for your children to explore. :)

  2. I love the smell of lavender so much. What a good idea!

  3. My daughter would love something like this! I will have to attempt this recipe!! Do these "keep" very long? Like the softness of them?

    1. We still have ours. I put each kind in a separate plastic bag. Plastic containers or glass jars would work too.

  4. This is so sweet! I make cloud dough all the time for my son, I never even thought to make it scented! I love that! Thanks for sharing!
    xx Caitlin

  5. Such a fun post! I need to remember to link my playdough post on here! :)
    Thank you for linking up with The Natural Homeschool! :)


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