Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Sweet Timothy Elijah

If you visited the blog yesterday, you probably read my post about Lydia Grace.
Today our sweet Timothy Elijah takes "center stage".  
Timothy after his daddy and Elijah from the bible...but to us he is just Eli.

It is funny how very different two siblings can be.  I've witnessed huge personality differences in my children from the very first day of Eli's sweet, little life.

Where Lydia Grace has always had an independent nature, Eli thrives on constantly being in close proximity--we are talking inches--of someone, and he doesn't demand to do things for himself the way L.G. always has.
Example: When Lydia Grace was a baby, anytime I would walk to the kitchen to get a bottle for her, she wouldn't have it any other way but to crawl after me all by herself and even cried if I tried to pick her up and take her with me.  Often times she would even be content to just independently stay behind and play until my quick return from the kitchen.  In the same situation, Eli would rather be picked up, carried to the kitchen, and held the whole time the bottle is being prepared--even though he is getting very close to being able to just walk after me.  (Yep, he is going to walk a lot sooner than L.G. did.)  He seems to prefer to have me hold him which I don't mind a bit because I know that I will blink one day and he won't be a baby anymore...

L.G. is strong-willed and high-spirited, but Eli has more of his daddy's laid-back, easygoing personality.  He is adaptable and content in almost any situation.  His infancy has been a breeze compared to the sleepless nights, colic, health issues, and challenges we faced with Lydia Grace.

A little update:  Last night, Eli had a bad night.  Due to teething, he did keep us up most of the night which is so rare for this child who pretty much slept through the night from day one.  I went into his room at one point after having tried everything else to get him to sleep (bottle, pacifier, musical mobile, stuffed animal...) and just held and rocked him.  He fell asleep in my arms.  It was such a sweet moment staring down at his little face amidst the peacefulness of the dark nursery.  I think my mom was right when she told me that you tend to savor the "baby stage moments" more with the second one (and perhaps sequential ones).  You tend to even enjoy the "up in the middle of the night moments" because you know how quickly they pass.

Let's see...traits that describe my baby boy...he is smiley, outgoing, and very pleasant!  There is a playful, curious side to him, too.  Like his daddy, he isn't easily angered, but BOY!  On the rare occasions that something does make him mad, he can have quite the temper.  Most times he exhibits a peaceful nature though, and I can already tell that he has such a tender heart.  A playful, "no" is usually all it takes to get him to stop doing something that he shouldn't.  Use a reprimand that is even the slightest bit stern and the bottom lips sticks out followed by cries from us having severely hurt his feelings.  If anyone around him is upset...he too is greatly distressed--it is amazing the empathy I've already seen in him.  What a sweetheart he is!  Here are a few snapshots of my precious boy...

Seeing this sweet little face each day is such a blessing!  I absolutely adore my little guy!

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